
Genetics - Inherited Traits


Student will make a photo family tree going back a minimum of 3 generations, preferably 4 or 5. You will check various traits in family member.
Look around is anyone just like you? You and everyone else are unique. No two people are exactly alike, including identical twins. many of your traits are inherited. You are going to identify some of your genetic or inherited traits. You will then use this data to trace who in the family you are most alike.

Resources Needed: You will need to have as many family members as you can answer the questions on the various work sheets. Chart data and compare to your data.

Click here to find out more about various traits.

Created by: Ralph Preall
Garden Grove U.S.D.


Your Task: 

1. Take worksheets to family members and test for various traits. Record data. 

2. Ask for pictures. (photo copied or scanned pictures are ok ) 

3. Write a short analysis of dominate and recessive traits you found in your family. 

4. Make a family tree chart with as many pictures of family members as you can. Use these pictures to compare some physical traits.

Click here to find out more:

Deciding Between Maternal Inheritance and Autosomal  Modes of Inheritance
Genetic Inheritance of Behavioral Traits
Genetics: You Are Unique
Genes, Chromosomes and Inheritance
Human Genetics

A Few Internet Resources:


Created August 14, 2000
Last Revised August 16, 2000

Teacher Notes

Inherited Traits 

Suggested Grade Level: 6 to11 ?? 

Science Content Standards: 

Grade 6: Investigation and Experimentation (7a, b, c, e, g, h)
Grade 7: Investigation and Experimentation (7a, b, c, e)
              Genetic's (2b,c)
              Evalution (3a )
Grade 8: Investigation and Experimentation (9a, b, e,)
Grade 9: Investigation and Experimentation (1a, c, d, i,)
Grade 9-11: Bio./ Life Sci. Genetic's (3a, b, c, d)

S.C.O.R.E. Lessons Standards Search by Grade and Subject
S.C.O.R.E. Standards and Framework
California Content Standards Grades K-12
California Content Standards Grades K-12 - Science - PDF Format


Students need a basic background in lab procedures, cooperative teams (reacord keeping, supplies, clean-up) and a basic understanding of investigation and experimentation.


Interpreting data, making inferences, forming hypotheses, making predictions, graphing 
Computer literacy
Effective use of Internet resources 


Presentations -PowerPoint or Hyperstudio, student created web page, worksheet, peer evaluation, rubric 


 Encourage students to visit some of the "Extras" sites included at the end of the lesson